Special Assessment of Working Conditions of Mantra Tourus LLC, Rostov-On-Don, Russia

The special assessment of working conditions is an essential process that helps evaluate and improve the overall well-being and safety of employees in various industries.

In Russia, this assessment plays a crucial role in promoting healthier work environments, preventing occupational hazards, and ensuring the welfare of workers.

The law regulating the Special Assessment of Working Conditions in Russia is the Federal Law No. 426-FZ "On Special Assessment of Working Conditions" enacted on December 28, 2013.

This law establishes the legal framework for conducting assessments to evaluate and improve the working conditions of employees in various industries throughout Russia.

The law aims to ensure the safety and protection of workers by identifying potential hazards, assessing risks, and implementing measures to prevent occupational accidents and illnesses.


Accordingly, We are proud to announce that our company Mantra Tourus LLC PASSED all the requirements of the Special Assessment of Working Conditions and got the necessary clearance and approvals from relevant Inspectors and Authorities.


This is an important indicator that the shareholders of Mantra Tourus LLC are always keen to comply very diligently with all the legal and regulatory requirements of the authorities in the Russian Federation.


The special assessment of working conditions was conducted under the provisions of the prementioned Federal Law on Occupational Safety and Health. The primary objective was to identify potential risks, ensure compliance with safety regulations, and assess the measures applied to minimize workplace accidents and health issues.


The assessment involved evaluating various factors such as physical, chemical, biological, and psychological hazards.

The Inspectors collected the data and assessed the potential risks.


The summary of the Key Findings from the Data Analysis:





Occupational Hazards

Exposure to harmful substances, inadequate ventilation systems, noise pollution, repetitive strain injuries, and inadequate personal protective equipment.


Compliance with Safety Regulations

Level of compliance with safety regulations. Adherence to guidelines and standards.


Regional Disparities

Quality of working conditions. Safety practices and infrastructure. Efficient allocation of resources.



Employees Well-being

The impact of working conditions on employee well-being. Factors that contribute to stress, fatigue, and other psychosocial issues. Mental health and overall job satisfaction of employees.





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