Dear Business Partner,
It is with great pleasure and pride that we inform you that on September 24, 2021, Mantra Tourus LLC received officially the approval of the Russian Tax Authorities to increase its shared Capital from 50,000 Rubles to 2,000,000 Rubles.
The Board of Directors of the Company took the decision of the Capital increase to confirm one more time its passion and determination to do business in Russia and to reassure that the shareholders are fully committed to conduct business in Russia in a professional, ethical and efficient way with clear and very well-defined strategy that ensures constant growth based on a Sustainable Competitive Advantage.
Our team of highly educated and experienced seniors is working round the clock to strengthen its relationships with the valuable business partners and suppliers to provide the best quality of services with unique advanced and customized solutions to the Clients who are more and more eager to visit Russia and discover the greatness of this Land, Culture and History.
This Capital Increase that we realized is only one step on the highway of growth and success.
We commit and promise that many new things are yet to come, and many steps are planned to take place in short, mid and long term to nurture the roots of our company in its natural Russian Soil.
We count on your support and business to grow together in a very promising market.
Stay tuned with us and follow our future steps.
Sincerely Yours;
Dr. Rebel Hanna
Mantra Tourus LLC